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Ministry Teams

Pastor's Care
 Led By: Mrs. Mary Lee



The Pastor’s Care


The establishment of the Fisher Hill Community Baptist Church in July 1991 brought with it the establishment of many auxiliaries within the church. The Pastor’s Aide was one of those newly formed auxiliaries during the first three years of the Church. The mission of this auxiliary was to aid in providing for the needs of our pastor and the first family. The committee was not to take away any of the church’s responsibilities, but to enhance or add to the pastoral care.


Pastor Edward J. Arthur appointed the late Elizabeth Ann McDonald to chair this auxiliary. As the first president of the auxiliary she put into place many of the duties, practices and activities involved today such as the Pastor’s Appreciation, additional assistance with expenses, pulpit care, and fundraisers. 


Tanya Boatwright served as the second president under the latter tenure of Pastor Arthur and early tenure of Pastor McLendon followed by the appointment of Josephine Harrington. The current President is Mary Cash Lee. Each president and members of the Pastor’s Aide have worked diligently with the church to instill closeness with the Pastor and assure that his pastoral needs are met  


In 2005 upon the recommendation of the Pastor McLendon, the name of this auxiliary was changed to the Pastor’s Care under the leadership of Mary Cash Lee. Deacon Johnny McIver assumed the office of President in 2007 and he along with the officers and other members continue to do an outstanding job in ensuring that our pastor’s needs are met.